Our lives are busier than ever, and for families, the morning rush is the most stressful time of the day. That is why Cameron’s Kitchen has introduced new and delicious breakfast convenience meals that are quick and easy to eat on the go, making sure you start your day off right. Not a fan of breakfast? Here are some tips guaranteed to change your mind:

Replenishes your body

Kickstart your day with a healthy dose of protein and carbohydrates. If you don’t eat breakfast, you’ll be missing out on all the nutrients your body needs to function at its best!

Gives you energy

Eating foods with protein and fibre in the morning gives you the energy to get things done! It improves your concentration and performance considerably, helping you to get through the busy work day.

Controls your body weight

Did you know that skipping breakfast won’t help you to lose weight? Studies reveal that breakfast eaters tend to weigh less than breakfast skippers. If you are looking to lose weight, consider a healthy breakfast in the morning instead to help reduce hunger throughout the day!

Introducing… Our new breakfast items!

Scrambled Eggs and Bacon

Scrambled Eggs, Bacon and Juice


Start your day off right with one of our satisfying, nutritious meals! Our new Scrambled Eggs & Bacon, is served with a dash of cream, deliciously grilled tomatoes, pan-fried mushrooms and fresh breakfast potatoes.


Egg Frittata

Egg Frittata - Convenience meals

Our Egg Frittata is oven-baked with healthy white beans, tomatoes, capsicums, fresh spinach and basil, cheddar cheese, pan-fried mushrooms and breakfast potatoes. A perfect light meal for busy mornings.


Cauliflower & Chia Seed Fritters

Corn Fritters - Cameron's Kitchen


Our crunchy Cauliflower & Chia Seed Fritters make for an ideal start to your day. They're prepared with coriander and Middle Eastern spices, then pan fried and served with a creamy yoghurt & tahini dressing.



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